That was my day last Sunday.
Several weeks ago when I posted about how much I wanted some of the out of print Denyse Schmidt Flea Market Fancy fabrics, I received an email from Jess of Juicy Bits. She made my day by letting me know that she had recently been to a fabric store on Cape Cod which still had some of this fabric in stock. Knowing I’d be out that way, I decided to make a little detour to this store.
Maybe you don’t like pictures of fabric as much as I do, and in that case, I apologize! (I can’t help myself.) I bought several yards of the fabric I’d been hunting for, as well as a few other fabrics that I didn’t even know I was looking for. And of course, who could resist the little bits?
Our drive out of town took us right by the new shop owned by Melissa of Yummy Goods. You all probably already read her blog, but if you don’t you should take a look. Even though the shop isn’t open yet, we snuck in to meet her and to take a peek around. I don’t have any pictures, but Melissa has just posted some on her blog here. If this is anything to go by, it is going to be one very cute shop! It’s painted a fabulous color and everywhere you look there’s something fun to admire. I’ve already told her that it’s probably good I don’t live closer because I’d want to spend all my free time there.
I hope some of you have a chance to go see her store in person!
And now I’m off to admire my fabric! Tomorrow I hope to have pictures of a completed quilt top…
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