Just playing around a bit more with half square triangles and these lovely lower volume fabrics. The prints are nearly the same as those in my Trailmarker quilt, but I thought it might be fun to use them again in another design.
Last time I used a bunch of neutral solids, but this time I decided to stick with just white and off white. The layout is completely random – I paired the squares together to create the HSTs randomly and then set all the squares out on the floor pretty randomly. For a second I wondered if I should try and make some sort of pattern, but ultimately I decided I really like letting them fall as they may.
I hope to start working on the backing this week!
And the outtake of the day – my lovely sister who is looking oh so very thrilled at having the job of holding up the quilt!
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p.s. The Action Kivu fundraiser ends today, so if you’ve been waiting to donate, head over here to do it now!
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