Tag Archives: tutorial
A Piped Chair Cushion
I came across this tutorial back in July when it was shown on the Sew Mama Sew blog. I knew I wanted to try it, but it was one of those things that just ended up on my “tutorials to … Continue reading
Posted in Household Goods
Tagged cushion, Fabric, handmade, Joel Dewberry, pillow cover, piping, Sew Mama Sew, tutorial
To market, to market… A Market Bag Tutorial
This is my first tutorial, and it comes during the same week that I’ve given up coffee, so hopefully this makes sense (and if it doesn’t, let me know and let’s just blame it on the lack of caffeine!) I … Continue reading
Posted in Household Sewing - bags, napkins, pillows, Tutorials
Tagged alexander henry, Amy Butler, Fabric, handmade, market bag, tote, tutorial