Tag Archives: knitting

two new books!

I don’t pick up as many craft books as I used to, but recently these two have joined my craft book library, and I’ve been quite enjoying both of them. You’d expect me to talk about a quilting book first, … Continue reading

Posted in Knitting | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 13 Comments

handknits for hazel

While I enjoy knitting, sewing usually wins out when I’m at home. Knitting, however, is the perfect craft for traveling! I had splurged on a blanket kit from Purl Soho a while back and had been slowly knitting a row … Continue reading

Posted in baby, Knitting | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 15 Comments

handknit socks!

I knit something! For quite some time now I’ve been obsessed with the idea of having handknit socks, specifically socks that I knit myself. I really knew nothing about knitting socks – I can knit a scarf or a cowl, … Continue reading

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