Thanks for all the great comments and project ideas! I wish I could give scraps to each and every one of you (although then I’d have to spend all my time at the post office and I really dislike going there!)… Anyway, selected our four winners this morning, and here they are…
Winner of the larger scraps is #112 Sarah
Winners of the scraps bags are #186 Sandi, #21, Marissa, and #40, Michaela
If you were a winner, please email me your address so I can get your scraps out to you!
Oh, and based on the comments left, it seems as though there are a number of people who use scraps that are even too small to hold a seam. I typically throw away pieces of that size, but if anyone wants them, just leave me a comment. I’ll keep a list and as I have them available I’ll send them to someone on the list. I’d certainly love to know they’re getting used rather than thrown away!
So, the big question, did this help me get organized? Indeed it did!
I bought several of these plastic totes and pulled out and refolded all my fabric. I folded them to a size of 5.5″ x 6″, which allowed me to fit three rows in each bin. It’s sorted by color, though obviously not by the various shade of each color (hey, I was just happy to get all the fabrics of each color together! baby steps…)
I really resisted sorting by color, and now I’m not sure why. How could you resist this? I’ve already found it so much easier to find what I’m looking for. These fabrics are less than 2 yard cuts. I’m still working on organizing the larger cuts. And the scraps. They’re still not organized.
These plastic bins fit nicely under my craft table. You may recall when I got this table, er… door. My brother attached it to the wall and secured it from the ceiling with steel wires. It’s set at the perfect height so I can stand next to it to cut fabric, and I just love it (even though now most of my fabric cutting occurs at the dining room table!)
32 Responses to We have a few winners… (and I’m a bit more organized!)